REMINDER : NO SCHOOL tomorrow, Thursday 1-16-25! See you Monday, Gorillas and good luck to all of our stock show participants!!
3 days ago, RACHEL BENNETT
Report Cards for the end of Semester 1 are now published on Parent Portal. We will also mail a copy of each report card to the home address listed upon enrollment.
4 days ago, Leslie Teaff
With the safety of our students and staff in mind, and the anticipation of severe weather conditions, Trent ISD will cancel all classes and activities on Thursday, January 9, 2025. It is difficult to predict how the weather will go, but we will always do our best to make informed decisions to keep our students and faculty safe. Friday’s basketball games are expected to proceed as planned unless weather conditions won’t allow safe travel to Highland. Announcements will also be posted in local news sources, Trent ISD Facebook page, and the Trent ISD app. Ya’ll stay safe and warm!
9 days ago, TRENT ISD
REMINDER: Monday, January 6th is a teacher work day. Students will return on Tuesday, January 7th.
14 days ago, Trent ISD
Doors for Santa's Workshop will open at 5:00 pm sharp!!
about 1 month ago, Kim Gregory
Santa’s workshop
Reminder tonight at 5:00 pm is our Santa's Workshop!!!
about 1 month ago, Kim Gregory
Santa’s Workshop
Reminder : Early Release today 12/18 and tomorrow 12/19 @ 12:30! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Gorillas!
about 1 month ago, RACHEL BENNETT
Reminder tomorrow is our Santa Workshop! We have lots of toys and goodies!! It starts tomorrow evening at 5:00 pm!
about 1 month ago, Kim Gregory
Parents: If you are withdrawing your students at the end of the semester due to transferring schools or moving; please send me an email. There is paperwork and computer sign-in and returns that must be cleared before we can withdraw students. My email is: Thank you for your help. Leslie Teaff
about 1 month ago, Leslie Teaff
Elementary & JH UIL contestants have left Westbrook heading home to Trent!
about 1 month ago, Patricia Goodnough
Don't forget this Wednesday, December 18th from 5:00 - 7:00 pm is Santa's Workshop!! We will have lots of toys, cookies and hot chocolate!! Santa and Mrs. Claus cannot wait to see all of the boys and girls!!
about 1 month ago, Kim Gregory
Santa's Workshop
Reminder we are still accepting new unwrapped gifts for our Santa's Workshop! If you have any questions please email Kim Gregory at or Leslie Teaff at
about 1 month ago, Kim Gregory
Santa's Workshop
We are collecting new unwrapped toys and clothing for our Santa's Workshop. We invite everyone to come out and enjoy some hot chocolate, cookies and take a picture with Santa! Details are attached. If you have any questions you can email Kim Gregory at or Leslie Teaff at
about 2 months ago, Kim Gregory
Santa's Workshop
Please check your Parent Portal for Progress Reports for your students.
2 months ago, Leslie Teaff
Parents/Guardians of Trent Seniors, please see attached flyer for our upcoming FAFSA Lunch that is provided by Workforce Solutions. Submitting a FAFSA application is required for graduation. Let us walk you through the process and provide lunch for your help and support. Please join us Dec 10th from 12:00PM-1:00PM.
UPDATE: '24-'25 School Calendar Please see the attached revised '24-'25 calendar.
2 months ago, Trent ISD
'24-'25 School Calendar_revised11_11
2 months ago, Leslie Teaff
Wear your favorite red, white, and blue! Pep Rally @ 2:15 this week!
2 months ago, RACHEL BENNETT
Nov 7
Football schedule change!! Due to trying to stay ahead of weather conditions this week, we will be playing both JH and HS football games this week in Blackwell on Thursday! JH @ 5 PM HS @ 7:30 (We will continue to watch weather that day and will adjust start time, if needed)
2 months ago, Coach Isbell
Jr High One Act Play will be having a performance for the public on November 5th, Tuesday @ 6:00 PM in the cafetorium. Please join us in supporting our Jr. High students!
2 months ago, RACHEL BENNETT